Friday, January 2, 2009

Wrestling Recipes Week 20 - Hardcore Iced Tea


With the National Football League [NFL] playoffs on the horizon tomorrow afternoon, there is a 50/50 chance that if your favorite team is playing tomorrow, the could be eliminated in a close battle that comes down to the last play of the game or do like my Dallas Cowboys did last week against the Philadelphia Eagles with the playoffs on the line and not bother showing up to play.

If you team does unfortunately lose, you will probably want something to drink to make you forget about the fact your team let you down again and that you have to wait until Aug. to see your favorite team in action again. Should your team win, you will want something to drink to celebrate the night away as you scream at the top of your lungs, "This Night Belongs to Us!"

Luckily, the folks at World Wrestling Entertainment [WWE] magazine have just the thing for you. In the Nov. 2006 issue, former WWE talent, Jim "Sandman" Fullington was gracious enough to share his recipe for his own specialty, "Hardcore Hooch Iced Tea," which is just the pick me up anyone can use regardless of this weekends football results.


*Shot of vodka
*Shot of gin
*Shot of tequila
*Shot of rum
*Dash of triple sec
*Dash of peach schnapps
*Dash of cola
*Dash of orange juice

1) Combine liquor, shake and pour over ice in a highball glass.
2) Add orange juice and cola.
3) Garnish with a slice of lemon.

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